Will THCA Show Up on a Drug Test? The Truth About Metabolites


Will THCA show up on a drug test? Learn how THCA converts into THC, why drug tests detect THC-COOH metabolites, and how long THCA stays in your system.

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Does THCA Show Up on Drug Tests?

If you’re using THCA flower or products, you might be wondering: Will THCA show up on a drug test? The short answer is yes, it can—but the reason why has everything to do with how THCA converts into THC metabolites in your body.

How THCA Turns Into THC in the Body

THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) is the raw, non-psychoactive precursor to THC. However, when exposed to heat, THCA decarboxylates into THC, the compound responsible for the high associated with cannabis. This means:

  • Smoking, vaping, or dabbing THCA flower converts it into THC.

  • Eating raw THCA (like in fresh cannabis juice) won’t trigger a high, but may still show trace amounts in tests.

Once THC enters the body, it metabolizes into THC-COOH, which is what most drug tests screen for.

What Type of Drug Tests Detect THCA?

Different drug tests detect cannabis metabolites at varying sensitivity levels:

  • Urine Tests: The most common drug test. Detects THC-COOH for up to 30 days in heavy users.

  • Blood Tests: Detects THC within a few hours to 2 days after use.

  • Saliva Tests: Detects active THC, but not THC-COOH, typically for 24-72 hours.

  • Hair Tests: Can detect THC-COOH for up to 90 days.

Since THCA converts into THC when heated, any smoked or vaporized THCA product can lead to a positive urine drug test.

Will Raw THCA Show Up on a Drug Test?

Consuming raw THCA (without heating it) might not trigger a positive test, since it hasn’t been converted into THC. However, some highly sensitive tests may still detect trace amounts if large quantities are consumed.

How to Avoid Failing a Drug Test on THCA

If you need to pass a drug test, avoid all forms of THCA flower, concentrates, and vapes. Even though THCA itself isn’t psychoactive, once it’s heated, it turns into THC and creates the same metabolites that drug tests look for.

  • Stop using THCA at least 30 days before testing if you’re a regular user.

  • Drink plenty of water & exercise to speed up metabolite breakdown.

  • Use at-home drug tests to check your system before an official test.

The Verdict: Will THCA Cause a Positive Drug Test?

Yes, THCA products can cause a failed drug test once they are heated and converted into THC. Even raw THCA has a small risk of showing up in sensitive screenings. If drug testing is a concern, it’s safest to avoid THCA entirely to prevent unwanted results.


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